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The data below reflect purchases made through UO’s central purchasing site, Duck Depot. This represents a large percent of the university’s total purchasing, though it’s important to note some purchasing occurs outside of Duck Depot. UO is moving towards its goal of funneling all purchasing of common items such as office supplies and electronics through Duck Depot. This shift will improve data tracking and increase sustainable purchasing by favoring more sustainable choices. For example, Duck Depot can filter virgin paper out of its inventory to comply with UO’s recycled paper content preference.

The graphics below display UO purchasing data in three crucial categories: computers, office paper, and janitorial supplies. We focused on these categories for this dashboard for a few reasons. First, both paper and janitorial supplies represent large, frequently purchased categories. With paper, we also have historical data because it is such an important benchmark product. Last, computers have an outsized impact on the planet throughout their lifecycle, making them another crucial category to track.


This graphic shows the amount of the university’s computer purchases that are rated by the independent Green Electronics Council through their EPEAT verification system. EPEAT is the most reputable recognition for electronics, with products meeting rigorous environmental criteria throughout their life cycle.

Office Paper

The office paper graphic shows the breakdown of recycled content in UO’s purchased printer paper.

Cleaning and janitorial

This graphic shows the amount of janitorial paper purchases (toilet paper, hand towels, etc.) and cleaning products that have been certified “green” by the Environmental Protection Agency or other independent standards.

Certified green    Not certified green